El contrato formalmente civil de prestación de servicios como supuesto de aplicación del orden público laboral. Certeza y justicia en la excepción a la igualdad ante la ley


  • Mauricio Hormazábal Valdés Superintendencia Electricidad y Combustibles.


The eighth anide, first paragraph, of che Labour Code provides that «every provision of services under the terrns stated in che previous anide seerns to suggest che existence of an ernployrnent contract.» Although chis provision has been traditionally interpreted as a presurnption of ernployrnent when they identify che essential elernents of che ernployrnent contraer, in this essay is given a reinterpretation of such subsection, by a reforrnulation of che principie of prirnacy of reality frorn a focus on the forrnalities to an ernphasis on socio-econornic circurnstances, passing, then, frorn a presurnption of labor involvernent to a presurnption of rninirnum legal freedom for contraer with equal freedom. We conclude that the eighth anide has che function to make an exception to the Anide 1560 Civil Code, chus avoiding chis reinterpretation risk of judicial review and, mainly, giving an interpretation and argumentation in law to determine whether che civil contraer is or not is an assumption of the application of public policy work.


Rating contractual principie of primacy of reality, subordination and/or dependence, freedom of contraer, the presumption of workind patterns, doctrine from the acts proper, fundamental error, equality before the law, judicial review

Author Biography

Mauricio Hormazábal Valdés, Superintendencia Electricidad y Combustibles.

Abogado, Magíster en Derecho, Abogado Superintendencia Electricidad y Combustibles.