Las nuevas afinidades regionales en el Pacífico : ensayo de construcción de un marco conceptual


  • Neantro Saavedra Rivano


The present work attempts to construct a conceptual framework to examine the complex structure generated by the large number of existing institutions or those in the process of creation in this region. It includes a conceptual exercise on organizations associated with regional integration processes and trade negotiations, which are generically called economic association organizations. In the first place it is about highlighting the diversity and complexity of these organizations, and secondly; show that they cannot be fully understood by purely economic analysis. On the other hand, when introducing the historical dimension, the similarity of regional integration processes with other historical processes stands out. According to this interpretation, current integration processes are nothing more than a modern version of geopolitical transformations that have taken place in the past, so an integrated analysis of these transformations can be carried out.


Pacific Basin, Regional Affinities, Conceptual Framework, Economic Partnership Organizations, Integration Processes

Author Biography

Neantro Saavedra Rivano

Bachiller en ciencias físicas y matemáticas, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima; doctor en ciencias, Universidad de París; doctor en filosofía, Universidad de Columbia; profesor del Instituto de Ciencias de Política y Planificación, Universidad de Tsukuba, Japón.