Perspectivas futuras de la ciencia y la tecnología en América Latina


  • Francisco R. Sagasti


It is becoming increasingly clear in Latin America that the conceptual legacy inherited from the past does not constitute an adequate instrument to face the challenges of the economic crisis. This situation has motivated recent intellectual production in the region to be oriented towards interpreting the nature and manifestations of the current dilemma. In this same direction, this essay suggests ideas about the future perspectives of science and technology in the context of the Latin American crisis. Based on the diagnostic studies and trend analysis carried out in Peru by the Development Analysis Group (Grade) in recent years, this essay examines the external and internal factors that affect the development of scientific and technological capacity in the region and speculates on what can be expected during the next fifteen years for science and technology in Latin America.


Science, Technology, Latin America, Development Strategies, Research

Author Biography

Francisco R. Sagasti

Economista peruano, director del proyecto Science and Technology Policy Instruments, auspiciado por el International Development and Research Center de Canadá.