EI plan nuclear brasileño y la bomba atómica


  • Jorge A. Sábato Universidad de Montreal, en Canadá


The United States has voiced its opposition to the Brazilian nuclear plan. This would be based on the need to stop nuclear proliferation, preventing Brazil from being in a position to manufacture atomic bombs. In this paper, we argue that the Brazilian nuclear plan has nothing sinister, and on the contrary it responds to the strictest technical-economic rationality, and that the North American opposition is not due to the fear of proliferation but to causes of another nature, such as its interest in definitively establishing the nuclear cartel organized in the so-called London Club with the objective of exercising the most severe control over nuclear technology in the entire planet, regulating the production and trade of nuclear goods and services not only for hypothetical military purposes but primarily for commercial applications.


Brazil, Nuclear Proliferation, Atomic Bomb, United States, Atomic Energy

Author Biography

Jorge A. Sábato, Universidad de Montreal, en Canadá

Físico nuclear y ex presidente de la Comisión de Energía Atómica de la República Argentina, es actualmente profcsor de la Universidad de Montreal, en Canadá.