The right to a minimum level of subsistence, with special reference to the Constitution of Spain,1978


  • Encarnación Carmona Cuenca Universidad de Alcalá


Although we can find the recognition of the right to a minimum level of subsistence in some international declarations, this is not usually the case in national constitutions. In this article I will attempt to define this right (the concept, its foundation and the sources of International, European and Spanish Law), because several forums have claimed that it is merely a fundamental social right to guarantee civil and political rights. I will refer to some doctrinal and jurisprudential constructions that derive the right to a minimum level of subsistence from other rights which are recognized in national constitutions. Special reference shall be made to the case of Spain.


right to a minimum level of subsistence, right to an adequate remuneration, right to work, minimum income of insertion, right to a basic income

Author Biography

Encarnación Carmona Cuenca, Universidad de Alcalá

Licenciada en derecho con premio extraordinario y doctora en derecho por la Universidad de Alcalá, España; profesora titular de derecho constitucional, Universidad de Alcalá; vicesecretaria general, Universidad de Alcalá (2006-2010); investigadora visitante, universidades de Turín y Bolonia, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Alemania.