Challenges of International Cooperation for Development in Colombia


  • Lisbeth Katherine Duarte Herrera Institución Universitaria Esumer
  • Carlos Hernán González Parias Institución Universitaria Esumer
  • Juan Camilo Mesa Bedoya Institución Universitaria Esumer


International Cooperation for Development (ICD), is dynamic and its evolution depends on the different historical and specific contexts. In Colombia, the ICD, has played an important role in domestic and foreign policy, mainly to correct market failures, combat poverty and facing the effects of the internal armed conflict. However, Colombia is experiencing particular milestones, such as sustained economic growth, which meant being invited to start accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the peace process with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The previous milestones, are challenges in the short and medium term in relation of international development cooperation received by the country.


International Cooperation for Development (ICD), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Post-Conflict, Official Development Assistance (ODA)