Foreign policy and political ideology. A (non) explanatory factor for the Chilean regionalism model



What is the influence of the political ideology (left and right) of the heads of the Executive Power on the foreign policy agenda for regionalism in Chile? The alternation of coalition governments with distinct political ideologies in Chile with the arrival in 2006 of the government of the center-left coalition, led by Michelle Bachelet (Socialist Party), followed by the rise, in 2010, of a center-right coalition, led by Sebastián Piñera (National Renewal), and the return of the socialist in 2014, offers us a unique case to move forward with empirical studies that seek to understand how ideas matter. The objective of this work is to contribute to an understanding that apprehends the influence of different political ideologies in the construction of the foreign policy agenda for regionalism. If, on the one hand, this subject has already been extensively worked on in studies on the process of European regional integration, on the other hand, there is a lack of studies on the Latin American reality that understands the influence of ideological issues on the heads of the executive branch. We used the Comparative Manifesto Project (CMP) method, adapting it to understand the presidential messages to the National Congress of Chile. We argue that ideological positions about regionalism are not clearly defined, so political ideology is not, for the analyzed cases, the central explanatory factor for the Chilean regionalism model.


Political ideology, Regionalism, Chilean foreign policy, Left, Right

Author Biography

Wanderley dos Reis Nascimento Júnior, Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas

Professor no curso de Relações Internacionais do Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas. Doutorando em Relações Internacionais pelo IRI/PUC Rio


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