A research was carried out in the Chilean central zone based on the semiotic method for non verbal languages using a field statistic sampling, thus stating meaning and communication indicators between laymen and architects. The research detects in the tentative Central Chilean Architectural Identity a low response to the "identity principles" especially as regards to those understood as "Chilean" and the degree of devotion to the production of "building-objects" with an identity. It shows that there is a big gap between the field of meaning used by an architect("campo noético")and that of a layman which leads to a state of incommunication or at least shows strong interferences. Renouncing the pleasures of enjoying outstanding architectural Works, it focuses on the identity phenomena from a global architectural viewpoints, as a globalising social expression where the architectural Works represent the surrounding culture and interprets deep feelings. This is an invitation to share a view of architecture from its class characteristics, even whebn the observer may have a different viewpoint.
Letelier P., S. (1997). ¿Identidad por vias de diversidad? : actual perfil semiótico de identidad arquitectónica en Chile central. Revista De Arquitectura, 8(9), Pág. 2–9. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-5427.1997.30368
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