

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection



The habitable space


  • Dianelis Falls Valdivieso Universidad de Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz, Camagüey, Cuba
  • Mabel Teresa Chaos Yeras Universidad de Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz, Camagüey, Cuba


The historic center of the city of Camagüey, declared Cultural Patrimony of Humanity in 2008, is an exponent of architectural values ​​that respond to different stages, among which stands out the architecture of the Modern Movement and specifically the apartment buildings built in the 1950s The architecture of this period made important contributions directed to the adaptation to the local climatic conditions and to a new spatial organization. The ignorance of this heritage has caused transformations derived from its adaptation to current social and economic conditions. Its flexibility to adapt to new uses is possible, hence the need for the proper balance that must be achieved from rethinking the usual relationship between past, present and future. This article is part of investigations developed on the topic in Thesis of Master and contained advances of Doctoral Thesis both in managerial investigation projects.


Modern movement, Living space, Transformations, Contemporaneity