In Chile, urban growth has generated externalities that affect public space, stressing its use due to the increase and diversification of the demands for mobility, recreation and leisure, evidencing the deficiencies of the regulation that has allowed a production focused on the construction of feasible goods to be traded, neglecting the needs for goods for collective use, a situation that Law 20,958 on contributions to public space will try to remedy through a system of contributions intended to support the construction of spaces that favor social cohesion, necessary to know, in order to identify scopes, procedures and responsibilities that back and promote its application, considering the current state of the territories and the feasibility of intervening them through normative, operational and cultural aspects associated with the institutional framework and the developer industry.
Public space, Law of contributions to the public space, Investment plan in infraestructure for mobility and public space, Green tax, Contribution for the construction of public space
Pallarés Torres, M. E., & Pallarés Torres, M. (2021). The construction of public space: The contribution of Law 20,958. Revista De Arquitectura, 25(39), pp. 50 – 57.
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