This paper explores alternative design strategies for the modern school building in the 1950’s and 1960’s, that suppress partially or completely the corridor spaces associated to comprehensive classrooms. Those strategies would offer a different relationship system, modifying the conception of use, perception and organization of the educational spaces, being relevant for thinking their contemporary expressions. The text proposes a journey by the international experience and its adoption in Uruguay by the Ministry of Public Works. The article analyzes, supported by the redrawing of plans, only buildings with linear volumes, as those are where the changes happen. It finds that those design strategies offer a synthetic and transformative approach of the classroom, from the consideration of the school time, the economy of resources and the space for the performance of subjects, highlighting the greater radicality of the South American experience.
modern architecture, school architecture, public architecture, corridor, comprehensive classroom
Author Biography
Alfredo Peláez Iglesias, Universidad de la República
Arquitecto por la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de la República (FADU UdelaR) desde 2009. Magíster por la Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de la Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil (FAU USP) apoyado por una beca CAPES UdelaR, desde 2015. Con un ensayo realizado a partir de la tesis de disertación de Maestria recibió el Premio Vilamajó. Aportes al conocimiento en arquitectura y diseño, edición 2015, organizado por FADU UdelaR. Actualmente, se encuentra p´roximo a realizar su defensa de tesis en el programa de doctorado de FADU UdelaR.
Peláez Iglesias, A. (2021). Comprehensive Classrooms: Alternative strategies for the modern school building and its impact in Uruguay. Revista De Arquitectura, 26(41), 25–33.
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