

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection


Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 48. 



Deadline for paper submissions:  March 7, 2025

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

Esplanades and squares. Genesis and transformations of the sacred spaceof the Chiloé World Heritage churches



The objective is to elucidate from the original configuration of the outer sacred space of the churches of Chiloé declared a World Heritage Site, from its missionary - pastoral function, and from the urban conformation of the peoples of the archipelago and its evolutions in time. This diachronic analysis of the settlements has not been studied, and given the existence of new archival documentation, plus some studies on missions in the insular space and those related to architecture and urban planning, it is intended to make contributions that allow a better understanding of the sacred variable of the spaces, beyond the church that has been the constant in the studies on this heritage. Methodologically, 16 models are compared and classified into typologies according to urban form and historical interpretation. The main findings lie in two basic typologies: free or open esplanades and landscaped squares, in both cases, the urban void is a permanence and with little transformation over time, except that in the first the sacred function is the main one and in the second it is more symbolic.


Chile, sacred space, Chiloé churches


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