

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection



Criticism to contemporary communication of architecture



This work seeks to reflect on the current communication of architecture from the academic and professional fields. The methodology consists of asking questions, which are resolved through the contrast of concepts that sometimes are misunderstood, such as Project and architecture, image and imagination, artificial intelligence and consciousness, pornography and eroticism. In these oppositions, fundamental architectural notions such as spatiality, the promenade and the experience over time are intertwined with philosophical reflections about technology, image, or artificial intelligence. It is evident that the contemporary communication of architecture is dominated by the visual field, to the detrimento of the holistic perception of the senses, of time, imagination and the mystery that the architectural experience entails. Excessive emphasis on image, mass communication through social networks, and unawareness about technological advances have led to fading of the physical world, to the point that we have already lost contact with others, with matter and reality. It is concluded that we must not get lost in the smoke of communication, we must resist the barrage of data and information, we must regain an awareness that allows us to return to what is real, to the vivid experience of architecture.


Architecture, communication, image, architectural project, virtuality


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