

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection


Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 48. 



Deadline for paper submissions:  March 7, 2025

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

Energy performance assessment of housing in San Juan, Argentina: proposed scale



The objective of this work is to take a first step towards creating an Energy Performance Index scale for residential buildings in the City of San Juan, Argentina. To achieve this, the georeferential and technical-constructive characteristics of four pilot homes are surveyed. Then, the average energy performance index is calculated using the online software AIN. This value is categorized according to the criteria set by the Secretariat of Energy, positioning it in the middle of category E within an energy efficiency scale that encompasses seven levels, from A to G. The other categories are established through ranges of percentage variability. The results indicate that the optimal energy performance index for this region is 60 kWh/m2-year, while the less efficient categories, such as E, F, and G, are situated at 255 kWh/m2-year, 345 kWh/m2-year, and 435 kWh/m2-year, respectively.


Argentina, energy labeling, IPE-Index, San Juan


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