

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection



Salt Park in Cahuil.


  • Camilo Villagrán Oyarzún Santiago, Chile


The Salt Park project is presented as a public space alternative for the town of Cahuil which objective is to contribute to local development through the enhancement of the cultural and productive landscape around the salt ponds of the Nilahue estuary in Pichilemu. By recovering old abandoned salt ponds and taking advantage of the context inherent characteristics, the proposal sets out a versatile landscape, sensitive to the seasonal variations of the territory that coexists with salt activity during the summer season. The geometric order and the linearity of the saline tracts constitute the main input for the landscape language, while the architecture reinterprets the small infrastructures associated with the activity to house the outdoor program that is distributed throughout the park.


Salt ponds, wetland, public space, productive landscapes, cultural heritage

Author Biography

Camilo Villagrán Oyarzún, Santiago, Chile

Arquitecto (2015) por la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile.